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Meet the Board

Angela Arvizu Szymusiak

Angela Arvizu Szymusiak
Angela Arvizu Szymusiak

Sr. Talent Development Partner, Employee Experience, Adobe Systems Incorporated. As Sr. Talent Development Partner in Human Resources at Adobe Systems Incorporated, Angela Szymusiak has contributed to the transformation of Adobe’s strategy and approach to managing and developing its global workforce.  She was a key contributor and thought leader to the elimination of the global Annual Review process and re-design and implementation of the more flexible, lighter-weight Check-in approach.  She is a producer and facilitator to many of Adobe’s leadership and management development experiences.  As part of Adobe’s diversity and inclusion initiative, she has designed and facilitated engaging and powerful learning experiences to build Adobe’s female leadership.

During her 20+ year career with Adobe, Angela has specialized in a variety of HR functions including building and leading the college recruiting program and diversity initiatives, leading the on-boarding and employee of choice programs, been a specialist in areas such as immigration and relocation, participated in many of Adobe’s large acquisitions and many smaller, global acquisitions and lead cross-functional programs and initiatives related to Adobe’s culture and values and performance management.

Angela is currently on the Board of Directors for Spanish American Institute, a 100+ year old organization which provides scholarships for deserving Latinos pursuing higher education in Southern California. She is also a performing member of Los Lupeños de San Jose, a ballet folklorico dance group that shares the passion and beauty of Mexican folk dance throughout the Bay Area. 

Angela holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology and a master’s degree in Sociology/Organizational Behavior from Stanford University.

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